Children’s Opportunity Fund

At Surrey Square, our Children’s Opportunity Fund is crucial for nurturing the health, education and overall development of our most vulnerable pupils.

We believe that children represent the future of our community, and we are committed to supporting their well-being, talents and personal development in whatever way we can.  Sadly, due to circumstances outside their control, not all of our pupils arrive with us on a level playing field, so this fund serves as a vital resource to address the inequalities that many of them face, and ensures access to enrichment activities, specialist tuition and opportunities for adventure for those who otherwise wouldn’t be able to benefit.


of our pupils experience financial deprivation, including those who are eligible for Free School Meals and those who have No Recourse to Public Funds as a condition of their immigration status.

By investing in their well-being, we are nurturing a generation capable of contributing positively to society, encouraging our pupils to be advocates and activists for themselves and others, as set out in our Mission. Our Children’s Opportunity Fund not only safeguards the rights of our pupils, but also reflects a commitment to building a compassionate and inclusive community where every child has the opportunity to thrive, learn and reach their full potential.

This is what your contribution can provide for one child:


One trip


Campign trip


One year of swimming


One terms of music lessons


One term of an after-school club


One year of class trips


One year of music lessons


School Journey
(5 days away with their class)

Examples of trips might include:

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Gift Aid