
At Surrey Square, our curriculum is driven by purposeful outcomes, is relevant to each and every child and is expansive beyond the national curriculum so that our children will know more, do more and BE more!


  • Computing is integrated thoroughly throughout modern life and children need the skills to create, evaluate and manipulate digital content
  • Computing teaching will develop the children’s critical thinking about the content they create, share and consume
  • Computing develops the children’s problem solving abilities by asking them to create code, identify bugs and make logical deductions
  • Being digitally literate will prepare children to navigate the online world safely
  • Creating digital content allows the children to be open minded about their work by asking ‘What if…’ questions


Our teaching approach

  • Foundation Week
  • Publishing in other subjects
  • Google Classroom
  • STEAM and NATM



  • The curriculum is divided into 3 categories: Digital Literacy, Information Technology, Computer Science
  • Computing will be taught for a whole day, once a term during Foundation Subject week. This will ensure high status and time is given to the subject
  • Autumn term will be Presenting Information, Spring will be Evaluating and Manipulating Data, Summer will be Coding
  • The day will start with Online Safety lessons
  • There will be at least two sessions of skills teaching before a final open ended outcome task that uses these skills
  • To support the teachers the curriculum will be based on the Purple Mash scheme of work. This will allow teachers to use quality resources as the basis of their plans
  • Final outcomes will be stored and presented as appropriate through Purple Mash display boards, Google Drive, QR codes
  • The final outcome will be relevant to the children’s interests, age and linked to other subjects they are learning
  • Coding lessons will use a range of different platforms including Purple Mash, Scratch, Lego WeDo, Lego Mindstorms and BBC Micro Bits
  • Computing opportunities will be available through other subjects and will build on the children’s learning.

Further department reading...