What Makes London Special?

Year 1

In this project the children answered the question ‘What makes London special?’ by researching various London landmarks and buildings and thinkin

We looked at the famous landmarks and buildings in London and learnt some key facts.

We learnt some simple map skills along the way and compared our city to those of other cities around the world. The children then worked in small groups to research one landmark each and learnt how to create it with recycled materials. We ended the project with a collaborative construction day with Reception and families to create our very own London in cardboard form!. We hosted a wonderful exhibition of work at the end of the project to celebrate our hard work. The children even showcased their ‘soundscape’ sounds of the city which they worked on in Music.

Curriculum links


Problem solving and critical thinking

Foundational skills

Taking control of your learning


Care and respect

Working collaboratively

Happiness in body and mind


Creativity and the arts

Expert skills

Design thinking

Underpinned by our seven
key principles...