Termly Overviews
Summer term 2
How does transport connect us?
- Project overview
In the project, Reception will investigate how transport helps connect us to people, community and services. Students will use surveys to investigate the key modes of transport frequented by their classmates and consider how transport is crucial to our school community (which is exclusively car free!). They will embark on a number of trips using public transport and be introduced to the writing genre ‘recount’ as a way to describe and explain their journey using time connectives. The children will investigate maps, both globally and locally, to consider how transport helps connect us to friends and family across the city, country and world.
Learning Objectives
- Identify different modes of transport in our local community
- Explore how transport connects us to different people and experiences locally and globally
- Recount familiar journeys and experiences using time connectives
Core Texts
- The Hundred Decker Bus by Mike Smith
Learning Opportunities and Experiences
- Trip to London City Airport (via multiple modes of transport)
- Trip to the local library
- Learn to code with Duplo
- Subject focus
- Develop understanding of the part-part-whole model
- Use part-part-whole model to solve simple addition problems
- Learn number combinations to totals of 10 (number bonds)
- Learn to use the ‘count on’ strategy as a way to solve simple addition
- Laying units end-to-end to measure or compare length
- Explore the need for equal-length units when measuring
- Distinguish between 2D and 3D shapes
- Flip and turn shapes to solve problems
Children will:
- Begin learning Set 3 sounds.
- Read simple sentences and books that are consistent with their phonics knowledge.
- Write words and sentences, supported by their existing phonics knowledge.
- Spell words by identifying sounds in them and representing the sounds with a letter or letters.
- Write simple phrases and sentences that can be read by others.
- Re-read our writing to check for: clarity, finger spaces, fullstops.
- Values
As the children approach Year 1, we will develop their understanding of what it means to be a ‘role model’ during different parts of the school day, backed by our school values: joy, courage, kindness, responsibility and curiosity.
Each week, children are required to complete 2 ‘must do’ tasks that will challenge their independence. There will be a focus on ‘courage’ as a way face these learning challenges in the classroom.
Our classroom recognition board continues to encourage the children to acknowledge and celebrate daily examples of these values in our classroom.
Exceptional displays of our school values are recognised with a postcard. If your child comes home with one, it’s cause for big celebration!
- Mindfulness
This term in mindfulness, we will be building on our capacity to remain focused amongst distractions. We will play games and practise exercises to help us focus our attention.
- Home learning
- Read with your child every day.
- Please visit the ‘Home Learning Bingo’ for activities to complement and extend learning at home this half term.
- The phonics Padlet is updated regularly to share new sounds and activities the children have learnt at school so that you can practise at home.
Year 1
Summer term 2
How do stories connect us?
- Project overview
Project (Science)
This term we have lots going on, including two weeks of intensive
swimming lessons and therefore we are going to complete lots of
mini projects all linked to the question – How can stories connect us?
In the first two weeks, we will be learning all about water safety
and keeping ourselves safe near water. We will be completing two weeks of swimming lessons at the Olympic pool. In school, we will also be starting to look at the computer programming app – Scratch Jr. We will be learning how to programme an animation to make it move, change the background and eventually talk. This mini computing project will think about how we can use
animations to tell stories.
In the third and fourth weeks, we will be completing a mini
storytelling project looking at Little Red Riding Hood and different versions of the story around the world.
In the final weeks of term, we will be looking at the story Meerkat Mail and thinking about where our relatives live around the world, holidays and new journeys (Year 2!
- Subject focus
- Reading, writing and solving mathematical statements involving addition (+), subtraction (-) and equal (=) signs – within 20. Including problems with 0
- Missing number problems and how to solve them
- Counting accurately to 100 in 1s. Skip counting in 2s, 5s, 10s.
- Telling the time to the hour and half past
- Place value of numbers to 50 (ones and tens)
- Recognising half and quarter as a fraction
- Comparing length and mass
- Continuing our work on writing simple sentences (phonics,
capital letter, full stop) and adjectives - Our cursive handwriting
- Writing our own stories and versions of a traditional tale
- Writing postcards and letters to relatives
- Children will continue to develop their gymnastic skills through balance and coordination routines.
- Children will be learning new songs about Summer and change.
- Children will learn how to programme a simple animation using Scratch Jr.
Design & Technology
- Children will learn how to write their own recipes and have a go at experimenting with new flavours.
- Children will be learning about different countries around the world, understanding where they are on the world map and thinking about different modes of transport.
- Children will be learning about different mammals and their habitats around the world.
- Values
This term we will be focusing on:
- Our value of Joy
- Learning about how to bring Joy to ourselves and others in the community.
- Mindfulness
This term we will be focusing on:
- Noticing the lovely
- Happiness
- Celebrating
- Acts of kindness
- Home learning
- Read with your child every day.
- The phonics Padlet is updated regularly to share new sounds and activities the children have learnt at school so that you can practise at home.