Art and Design

At Surrey Square, our curriculum is driven by purposeful outcomes, is relevant to each and every child and is expansive beyond the national curriculum so that our children will know more, do more and BE more!


  • Understand that Art enriches all our lives.
  • Appreciate and value the work of Artists throughout history from a range of cultures.
  • For SSQ pupils to enjoy opportunities to express themselves with confidence in the visual arts.

Our teaching approach

  • Discreet lessons in termly Foundation Subject Weeks.
  • Art teaching cycle including:
    • Identifying techniques
    • Practising techniques
    • Applying techniques
  • REAL projects:  History and STEAM


  • To build up skills progression in specific art techniques.
  • The teaching cycle ensures that children have a clear understanding of artists having to persevere, listen, redraft and learn from others.
  • To develop a vocabulary for discussing artwork and to understand that people will have different feelings and preferences in Art.
  • To apply skills learned from studying artists and craftspeople to our pupil’s own work, encouraging creativity and the expression of pupil’s ideas.
  • To apply art skills to work in projects e.g. History and STEAM projects, immersing children in their learning.
  • To use art in projects to influence and engage the wider community.

Further department reading...