Frequently asked questions
Frequently asked questions, and their answers from the school community. Please contact us if you don’t find the answer you were looking for.
Does my child have to wear the branded SSQ t shirt?
No there is also the option of an unbranded plain white polo shirt to wear.
Look under ‘Uniform’ for all the latest information.
What are the term dates?
Check our ‘Parents’ section and look under ‘Term Dates’ for the most up-to-date information.
How do I apply for a Reception place?
Applications for Reception places are done online through the local authority so Southwark Admissions if you live in Southwark. 0207 525 5000
If it’s a in year Reception place, contact the school to find out if you need to apply online to Southwark in year admissions or if you apply directly to the school.
Starting School
How do I receive communications from school?
We send emails and occasionally texts out to parents/carers using Parentmail. This includes the weekly newsletter which is emailed out every Monday. Once we have registered you for Parentmail, please install the App.
We also have X (formerly Twitter) and Instagram to communicate messages and updates. Follow us @surreysqschool
What do I do if my child has allergies?
The school must be informed and necessary paperwork completed. Any medication should be left in the school office i.e asthma pumps, epi pens, allergy medication.
How can my child attend after school club?
We offer a range of clubs throughout the week – at the start of term an email is sent out asking for expressions of interest and payment options. Maxine ([email protected]) and Carol ([email protected]) are the best people to contact to discuss this further.
Can we bring in cake/ sweets for a birthday celebration?
No, we are a healthy and ‘Nut Free’ school. Because some of our children and staff have different allergies, only non-food stuff party bags can be given out.
What homework will my child receive?
From years 1 to 6, all children will receive a piece of maths work that reinforces the learning from their maths’s lessons that week, their spellings for the week, a reading task and an Oracy task in the form of a four grid. It is expected that the likes of Numbots and Times Tables Rockstars are practised regularly and in addition to the four grid. Year 6 children, in preparation for secondary school, may be given homework within the week in addition to the four grid by the different teachers who teach them across the morning.
Starting School
Is the meat served at lunchtime Halal?
Yes, all our meat is from a certified Halal butcher.
Can I speak to a member of the Surrey Square team?
Yes call the main number and if that person is not available we will arrange for a call back.To speak to a member of the teaching or class based staff try to meet them in the playground at the end of the day.
How do I help prepare my child for starting school?
Bring them on a tour of the school – we can arrange this – also get them used to the route to school and the names of their new teacher(s)
Starting School
How can my child join Nursery?
We deal with our own nursery admissions. Email [email protected] as a starting point or pop in to discuss further.
Do I have to pay for school meals?
No – school meals are free to all children. We also provide breakfast in classes on a daily basis. This information is publicised on our weekly newsletter.
How will my child be kept safe?
Gates are kept locked during the day and visitors are monitored and need to sign in/out. During play and lunch time, members of support staff are in the playground. Children are not allowed to be collected by anyone not known to us unless we have verbal or written permission from a parent/carer in advance.