
At Surrey Square, our curriculum is driven by purposeful outcomes, is relevant to each and every child and is expansive beyond the national curriculum so that our children will know more, do more and BE more!


  • Being an effective communicator is a critical skill for life.
  • To give children confidence to speak articulately in front of a range of audiences across all subjects
  • To develop an extensive vocabulary which allows our children to thrive in school and beyond.
  • To empower children to use their voice which has a wider impact on their school and beyond advocating change.
  • We believe that active listening skills lay the foundations for excellent and eloquent speakers.


Our teaching approach

  • Talk Tasks and Talking Points built into all lessons.
  • Core curriculum approaches to embed oracy including Talk4Writing and Maths Mastery.
  • Regular performance opportunities including P Factor.
  • Spark speech project in Year 6.



  • Regular and frequent practice so that children learn THROUGH talk – so that they process what they learn through class discussions e.g. Math Mastery talk tasks.
  • Regular and frequent practice so that children learn TO talk  – so that they are able to speak and perform in front of a range of audiences – speeches, poetry performances and plays.
  • To enable children to learn a structured method for discussion (they are given a Talking Point to have a discussion with relevant vocabulary, sentence stems, thinking time, partner talk, feedback time).
  • To ensure children internalise story structures and ambitious vocabulary to enhance their written skills. This is done through Talk 4 Writing which gives children the opportunities to develop talk through performing stories together aloud.