Personal Excellence

At Surrey Square, our curriculum is driven by purposeful outcomes, is relevant to each and every child and is expansive beyond the national curriculum so that our children will know more, do more and BE more!


  • Personal excellence is an opportunity for children to develop their  personal skills through the teaching of our 6 values. It allows them to develop their authentic self; learn what it means to value themselves and develop the confidence and resilience they will need to navigate through their life.   
  • The teaching of personal excellence also allows children to think beyond themselves. They learn the importance of respecting others and celebrating their differences. Through this, they are able to think about the issues within communities and learn to challenge the status quo and become advocates for themselves and others. 
  • The relationships curriculum is taught within our personal excellence curriculum through the values of community and respect. This is where the children are taught the fundamental building blocks and characteristics of positive relationships, within families and friendships.


Our teaching approach

  • Weekly discreet lessons with a P4C style approach and use of circle time
  • Joy Time 
  • Explicit links to RE/Identity curriculum and themed weeks (e.g. Aspiration Week)



  • Personal excellence lessons are taught discreetly and are structured in a similar way to our core subjects with a strong emphasis on oracy. This allows our children to formulate and share their thoughts and have the skills to debate and justify their opinions. 
  • To further develop their friendships, the children are explicitly taught social skills through their Joy Time lessons. This gives them the chance to engage with a wide selection of activities that they may not have access to outside of school. They get to play with others outside of their social group, know how to be graceful winners and losers and manage conflict resolutions within their social groups whilst being supported by their teachers. All children have access to this once a week.  
  • Involving Community, aspiration week, linking with Identity and RE, brings greater understanding of core values so the children can use and refer to them in their daily lives…Informs behaviour/choices


Further department reading...