Religious Education

At Surrey Square, our curriculum is driven by purposeful outcomes, is relevant to each and every child and is expansive beyond the national curriculum so that our children will know more, do more and BE more!


  • For children to be able to identify their own and others spiritual, moral and cultural beliefs and practises – linking them with the Core Values, Identity, Oracy and Personal Excellence Curriculum
  • To build relationships and links between individuals and communities in Britain’s multi faith/multi cultural environment 
  • Children to be able to learn about, share, challenge and be challenged about beliefs in a safe and open-minded environment
  • Children to be able to articulate their beliefs and beliefs of others.
  • To explore responses to ultimate questions in the light of the answers that mankind have found e.g. Where did life come from?
  • To ensure children understand the relevance of learning about religions and how they link to wider religions and human experience 
  • RE is a legal requirement

Our teaching approach

  • Discreet lessons in termly Foundation Subject Weeks.
  • Celebration days
  • P4C style lessons
  • Explicit links made through Personal Excellence, Identity and Wellbeing curriculums.


  • Discreet lessons in termly foundation weeks ensures coverage and immerses the children in a themed day of learning enabling richer discussions and a deeper understanding. 
  • The structure of the themed days would include looking at children’s experience of the themes around the unit, new teaching and then appreciating similarities and differences to promote self awareness, reflection and challenge ‘them’ and ‘us’/generalising language  
  • Celebration Days such as Eid and Christmas days promote our values of respect and community enabling the children to experience each others’ special events and appreciate the similarities and differences in each of these celebrations. 
  • Lessons will put value on P4C, Circle Time and Oracy approaches while allowing time for children to have a tangible outcome where appropriate to reinforce learning.

Further department reading...