Aspiration Fortnight was one of the highlights of Autumn Term at SSq. Each year the children are exposed to a variety of careers and career paths with a variety of speakers visiting their classrooms.

It was great to welcome two former pupils back to SSq – both have been on very different career paths and it was great that the children had the opportunity to see this. Chilo and Megan, who organised the speakers, ensured a variety of professions were on show including: Interior designers, climate change advisors, West-End actors, architects, barristers, life coaches, theatre managers and banking security experts.
It was also great to hear from members of SSq staff – including Quentin – who told us about his journey to becoming a Learning Mentor and Sports Coach here at school via a career in professional football. He really showed us that perseverance is key in any career – dealing with the lows and never giving up despite what others might say about your chosen career path.
The week ended with ‘Dress as your Aspiration’ Day where we saw a variety of careers on show including estate agents, pilots and – of course – teachers! The children really enjoyed Aspiration Fortnight with one pupil commenting: ‘I like the idea of aspiration fortnight because we have the ability to think about what we want to be in the future.’ Whilst another added: ‘I love that they give us top tips that will help us achieve our dreams’.
Thanks again to all our speakers who volunteered their time for free – if you know anyone who would be interested in sharing their career paths with the SSq children then please get in touch with either Chilo or Megan here at school. For more photos and info please head to our Twitter or Instagram pages.